Marble Games
June 27, 2019
1. Chinese checkers
This is one of my favorite games because it’s both fast and fun! The objective of the game is to be the first to race all of your marbles across the hexagram-shaped board to your “home.” (aka the opposite corner from which you started) You do this by using single-step moves or moves that jump over other pieces. It’s a lot of fun trying to come up with a route hopping over as many marbles as you can in a single turn!

2. Mancala
This was a game I enjoyed growing up. The object of this game is to collect as many marbles as possible before clearing one of the sides. During their turn, the player will grab all of the marbles from a hole on their side and drop them, one by one, in succeeding holes in a counter-clockwise direction.

3. Hungry hungry hippos
This is a classic children’s game! The objective being that each player collects as many marbles as possible with their ‘hippo.’ After all, they are hungry! 🙂

4. Aggravation