Happy 2019!

January 3, 2019

We hope you, your family, and friends have had an awesome start to 2019! We are looking forward to many changes and advancements here at the Junction this year.

-One of the biggest and most exciting additions is something that isn’t quite official yet. We’re 80% sure it’s going to happen, but unfortunately I’m not allowed to say anything until it’s 100%!  Trust me though, if it works out, it’s going to be a really nice and fun addition to our facility!!

-In other news, we’re finishing up the PLC upgrades. There are 4 tracks left on the upgrade process and then afterwards we’re going to try to make things a little more visible to the public so you can see what we see!

-There will also be more electrical upgrades, more buildings being added to the display as well as more work on the interiors. The intricate details of the interiors is something that I personally look forward to because each piece tells a story! Below, you can see the inside of a diner- from a jukebox, to a man flipping pancakes, to little ketchup bottles… it’s all there!

-Most people won’t notice, but the wheels on the train cars are currently all in the process of being replaced. That’s HUNDREDS of wheels–it’s quite an undertaking, but it has to be done! The train master has been working on crafting some of the wheels by hand and they are being crafted in his own home shop!


-The volunteers have also been working on another working incline which will hopefully be installed soon!

What are some of your favorite additions over the years? What would you like to see added in our display? Let us know on our facebook page!