Trains Around the Christmas Tree! How Did This Holiday Tradition Start?
December 4, 2023

The tradition of trains encircling the base of the Christmas tree carries a timeless charm that traces back to a time gone by. Originating in the late 19th century, this tradition emerged alongside the rise of the railroads, capturing the fascination with locomotives and the spirit of Christmas in a delightful convergence.
The first toy trains rolled out in the 1850s, coinciding with the burgeoning popularity of Christmas trees in homes. As families adorned their trees with decorations, the addition of miniature trains encircling the base added an extra dimension of magic and wonder. These tiny locomotives, often wind-up or electric, symbolized the industrial revolution’s advancements and the marvels of technology, combining it with holiday spirit.
This tradition gained momentum in the early 20th century when companies like Lionel Corporation began manufacturing elaborate model trains specifically designed to encircle Christmas trees. The allure of these trains, with their intricate details and ability to chug along miniature tracks, captured the imagination of both children and adults.
Around the Second World War, as returning soldiers became a common image at train stations, the symbolism behind the Christmas tree train set embodied the idea of journeys and connections.
Today, the tradition endures as families set up miniature railways or modern electric trains beneath their Christmas trees. It continues to evoke a sense of nostalgia, capturing the essence of both the holiday season and the marvel of train travel, creating memories that intertwine the magic of Christmas with the allure of locomotives.