This Winter Mix Indoor and Outdoor Fun With Your Kids
December 7, 2022
When winter weather arrives it is tempting to completely change all of your activities and do everything indoor. It makes sense. After all, freezing temperatures are uncomfortable on the skin. It makes sense to stay where it is comfortable.
However, children need to move and be active. Besides, people live and even thrive in cold climates. Don’t let the weather be an excuse for not living the richest, healthiest lifestyle available.
This winter, don’t hibernate. Mix indoor and outdoor activities with your children.
Mix in these outdoor activities
Sure, it is harder to live outside in the winter than it is in the summer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go out. Here are some ideas for how to get your kids out, even for a little while.
Take a walk to someplace you might ordinarily drive. Walking to the library or post office or grocery, or even a surprise trip to a convenience store for a candy bar can spruce up even the most dreary of indoor days.
Go sledding. Get all bundled up and take the family to a local hill. Meet friends there and make it a great afternoon.
Do a chore outside. As a family, quickly handle the work of shoveling the sidewalk, taking down Christmas lights, or cleaning up downed branches after a storm.
Mix in these indoor activities
Of course you will need some indoor activities too. It’s hard to beat feeling warm and having the kids in an easy-to-monitor safe space. Don’t forget about these possibilities for a fun afternoon out of the house to stimulate minds and keep your kids active and off their electronic devices.
Go to an art museum. Most cities have multiple art museums that are free or offer free or promotional days to allow your kids to experience art. Some even offer interactive events and classes to really get them thinking and creating.
Go to a modern history museum. Unlike art museums, modern history museums tend to be designed with kids and families in mind. They will have places for everyone to play and learn, and are designed for kids to have a hand-on experience they can’t get at home.
Visit Entertrainment Junction. Of course, if you live in southwest Ohio, you always have the chance to hop in the car and take the kids to Entertrainment Junction. A mix of educational, entertaining, and engaging displays and activities means an afternoon of wonder and interaction. Give them an experience they will remember and ask to do again!

Photo by Yan Krukov: