Halloween Crafts
October 6, 2020
Are you someone who looks forward to Halloween all year? Do you love the sights, sounds, and smells of fall?? Well you’re in luck! We have some fun Halloween craft ideas just for you!
Halloween Jars

For this project you will need some old glass jars, Halloween colored tissue paper, mod podge, brushes, paint pen, and LED tea lights. First, you will use the mod podge to attach the tissue paper to the jar. Next, use paint pens to decorate the jars and finally, add some LED lights to the inside!
Popsicle Sticks
Thanks to Best Ideas for Kids for the inspiration! Popsicle sticks are a fast and easy way to make some really cute Halloween decorations! All you need are some popsicle sticks, paint, googly eyes, and felt! The options are endless!

Hand Crafts
Thanks to DIY & Crafts for the inspiration! Put those hands and feet to good use! You can easily cut out hand prints to make fun Halloween creatures or paint them to create works of art. These are great projects to do each year to show your little one how much they have grown from year to year! 🙂

We hope these ideas get you in the Halloween spirit! Please share any crafts you may have with us on our facebook page and don’t forget: Jack O’Lantern Junction runs through October 31! We can’t wait to see you!