3 Easy Summer Crafts Your Kids Will Love
June 16, 2015
Posted by Lindsay Thompson
Summer is here! That means the kids are out of school and chances are you’ve already heard “Mom, I’m bored!” a million times. Well, we’ve got some easy summer projects that will chase the boredom blues away. Not only are they super easy, they’re super fun!
1. Pine cone Bird Feeder
Supplies Needed:
- Pine cones
- Bird Seed
- Peanut Butter
- Yarn or String
- A platen or bowl
This craft is a little old school but, if your kids love animals and the outdoors, it’s the perfect easy summer craft for them. Let the kids spread the peanut butter on the pine cones. The messier they get, the more fun it is! Pour some seeds on a plate and let the kids roll their pines cone around. Tie a string around the pine cone and you’re done! Hang it in a tree and watch the birds eat. They’ll even attract squirrels! Not only is this craft messy fun, but your child also gets the chance to observe observe the wildlife in your backyard!
2. Bubble Snakes
Supplies Needed:
- Dish Soap
- Rubber Band
- Water Bottle
- Washcloth
- Small container
Bubble Snakes are fun for kids of all ages (and even some kid-at-heart adults). Cut the bottom off of the water bottle and place the washcloth over the open bottom, securing it with a rubber band. Mix 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup dish soap in your container. Dip the bottle in, take off the lid, and BLOW! The blowing will make long bubble snakes. This craft will provide amusement for hours. For even more fun you can add a few drops of food dye and make the bubbles different colors.
3. Garden Rock Caterpillar
Supplies Needed:
- Outdoor paint; whatever color(s) desired
- 7 large rocks (body)
- Waterproof landscaping glue
- 12 small rocks (feet)
- 2 small sticks (antennae)
Paint the rocks your desired colors. Next, draw on the caterpillar’s face. Afterwards, line the rocks up so the caterpillar has raised humps; imagine it’s in mid-crawl. If you have a garden, let your child pick the ideal location. For even more fun, have your child paint their rocks in glow-in-the-dark paint. You can hide the caterpillar in the yard and when it’s dark out you can search for it together.
These are just a few easy summer crafts to do. Have fun!