#128 February Status Report
February 27, 2018
This month’s article is a further update on what’s new on the EnterTRAINment Junction (EJ) layout. As usual, the order that items are shown is in the order a visitor would see them while following the aisle through the layout.
A model of the Boeing 747-8 is now “flying” above the “Free-View” alcove between the restrooms and the Gift Shop (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Boeing 747-8 |
The model is “selectively compressed” in scale to make it look like it’s flying higher and farther away than it actually is. Had the model been constructed in 1/24th scale, as are most of the details on the layout, the 747-8’s 225 foot wingspan would have been over 9 feet (Figure 2). As it is, it’s about one half that size, making it much more manageable to handle and install. The model has simulated cabin lighting as well as navigation lights and collision avoidance lighting.
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Figure 2. Boeing 747-8 Closeup |
Now that the holidays are over, the three houses across the tracks from the Modern City are displayed unadorned by Halloween or Christmas ornamentation. All have interior lighting, furniture, décor, and figures representing the residents. The first of the three also has a Winnebago trailer parked next to its lawn (Figure 3).
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Figure 3. Non-Holiday House Number 1 |
Like the holiday-decorated models, these houses have bases with the same footprint as the houses they replace. The second house has a fancy veranda in front (Figure 4).
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Figure 4. Non-Holiday House Number 2 |
Noteworthy in the third of the set is a more complex roofline, a hedge surrounding it, and an unattached garage. The garage also has interior lighting and detail (Figure 5).
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Figure 5. Non-Holiday House Number 3 |
In the Hot Air Balloon area just beyond the Modern City, the equestrians have given up part of their riding meadow to make room for an Amish farm, including the farmhouse, barn, and silo; and, just partially visible at the left in Figure 6, is an Amish horse-drawn buggy.
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Figure 6. An Amish Farm |
More changes continue to improve the EJ layout with eye-catching content to wow both newcomers and repeat EJ visitors.
© 2018 Tom Bartsch
MVGRS Big Train Project Coordinator