Our Volunteers
EnterTRAINment Junction’s world’s largest indoor train display, would not exist without the dedication and commitment of the volunteers from Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society who have developed, planned and built Train Journey.
We owe our most sincere gratitude to these volunteers. Below is the list of volunteers who have donated their time to making EnterTRAINment Junction a one of a kind family attraction. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team please call Larry Koehl at 513-898-8000 ext 204.
Thank you!
- Scott Andes
- Gene Baker
- Mike Barnhart
- Liz Barnhart
- Tom Bartsch
- Jim Bax
- Al Baxter
- Tom Bosma
- Bruce Bowden
- Larry Bredestege
- Rose Ann Bredestege
- Thomas Breon
- Grace Budinger
- Ray Budinger
- Brooke Burkey
- Dayle Burrier
- Gordon Carlson
- Steve Carr
- Tom Carskadon
- Robert Chapman
- Tom Christy
- John Cicmanec
- Deloris Crockett
- Michael Crone
- Tom Cruse
- Bob Dallas
- Renee Dane
- Wil Davis
- Bob Dashley
- Sara Dashley
- Terri Dashley
- Dave Decker
- Don DeReynier
- Lee Dilthey
- Sonja Dilthey
- Chuck Ellsworth
- Jim Engel
- Karen Engel
- George Etesse
- Carl Fischer
- Thomas Geier
- Joe Gerstemeier
- Mory Gerstemeier
- Jack Gilkey
- Jon Goins
- Joan Gowetski
- Mike Gowetski
- Dick Grace
- Mary Haglage
- Amanda Hamilton
- Bill Harmon
- Nancy Harmon
- Gordon Havens
- Judy Havens
- Don Helmbold
- Neil Helwig
- Phil Herbert
- Edward Hess
- Gary Hilgeman
- Gerald Hodapp
- David Huddleson
- David Huddleson II
- Judy Huddleson
- Ray Hughes
- Charlotte Hughes
- Paul Hulsman
- Jerry Humston
- Lyn Humston
- Lynne Joehnk
- Phil Joehnk
- Frank Kammer
- Mary Kammer
- Jeanne’ Kilgore
- Tom Kilgore
- Joe Koehl
- Jordan Kramer
- Jim Kuschill
- Jeanette Kuschill
- Bernie Lamers
- Carol Lamers
- Tom Lammert
- Denny LaMusga
- Denis Larrick
- Chris Lockwood
- Bob Lewis
- Dan List
- Joyce List
- Jack Marshall
- Charles Mason
- Jim Matchett
- Jane Matchett
- Debbie Matthews
- Tom Matthews
- Don Maxwell
- George McIlveen
- Jack McLaren
- William C. Mense
- Paul Miklos
- Allan Miller
- Allen Miller
- Chuck Miller
- Larry Miller
- Marcel Morneau
- Robert L. Mott
- Marge Mott
- Bob Mott Jr.
- Jerry Muennich
- Terri Muennich
- Mitch Nearhood
- Mindy Nearhood
- Tom Niehaus
- Nancy Niehaus
- Harry Nobel
- Natsuko Nobukuni
- Takanori Nobukuni
- Debbie O’Conner
- Mike O’Donnell
- Don Oeters
- Gayle Oeters
- Allan Pantle
- Liz Pantle
- Jim Peterson
- Marilyn Perterson
- Jack Pfohl
- Karen Pfol
- David Price
- Jim Pugh
- Fert Quatromani
- Jack Rief
- Ray Roetting
- Scot Rogers
- Dianne Rowland
- Ronald Rudolph
- David Ruffner
- Dick Santel
- Tim Savaglio
- Earlynn Scheidler
- Tom Scheidler
- Cliff Scholes
- Peter Scholes
- Paul Schuch
- Ron Schunk
- Carolyn Schunk
- Dan Sheedy
- Curg Shields
- John Souhrada
- Carole Spontak
- Dan Stenger
- Zach Stenger
- Allison Sweet
- Amanda Sweet
- Anna Sweet
- Jerry R. Swormstedt
- Mike Therien
- Dennis Thompson
- Lindsay Thompson
- Connie Tracy
- Dave VanAs
- Judy VanAs
- Peter Villarreal
- Toni Villarreal
- Bob Vincent
- Ken Wagner
- Tim C. Watson
- Danny Wells
- Dawn Wells
- Jean Willams
- Jack Wilson
- Dick Wilson Jr.
- Sharron Wilson
- David Wynne
- Cindy Yeary
- Donald Yetzer
- Ben Zalewski
- Michelle Zook
- Paul Zook