Halloween Safety

October 22, 2018

Who doesn’t love dressing up as your favorite character or becoming a super hero for a night? Mix that with loads of candy and you have yourself a pretty SWEET holiday!! With Halloween right around the corner we wanted to showcase some of our favorite train-themed costumes and provide some safety tips for a fun night out! Whether your little one wants to be an engineer, a crossing gate, or a train, there are plenty of opportunities to incorporate the love of trains into your Halloween costume!

Safety is always the number one priority for us here at EnterTRAINment Junction so in addition to showing off some fun costumes, we wanted to provide some tips to help keep your little one safe!

1. Always trick or treat with a buddy! Walk in groups and be sure to have an adult present.

2. Hold a flashlight or use reflective tape to help you see and help others see you.

3. Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision which can lead to trips, and falls.

4. Only eat factory-wrapped treats and have a parent examine treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them.

5. Only visit well-lit houses and do not accept rides from strangers.

6. Look both ways before crossing the street and stay on the sidewalks when possible.

Are there some key safety tips we missed? Some fun costumes idea that you’d like to share? Let us know on facebook !