Teaching with Trains

May 27, 2014

EnterTRAINment Junction values education and encourages learning. That is why at our facility your children will learn not just about trains and train history but American history in general. We want children and adults to learn something new every time they visit.

Teaching with Trains

We do not want the learning to stop when you leave our facility. As a parent (and even a grandparent) you want your children to be well-versed and educated people. We know how important education is and how hard it can be.

We have come up with some fun teaching activities involving trains that any parent or person teaching younger children can use to help teach math and reading!

Pattern Recognition Pattern

Recognition is considered to be one of the most important intelligence recognition skills.  Research has shown,” The ability to recognize, identify, and create patterns not only supports mathematical learning, it also contributes to broader social development. Pattern recognition is great for teaching your children the fundamentals of math and spelling. What better way to teach your children patterns than by using trains?

You have a couple different options on how to use trains to teach your children patterns. You could use different colored construction paper to make each boxcar of the train different colors and switch them around to create a variety of patterns. Or, you could have your children color the different boxcar of the trains and place them in any order that makes a pattern. The latter option allows your children to be more involved.

Letter and Number Recognition

Similar to the technique of teaching your children patterns you can use individual boxcars as a place to write numbers or letters on them. Unlike flash cards where you show your child the individual letter and number you can connect the boxcars to show your children the order of numbers and the alphabet.

When it comes to teaching your children the alphabet you have the option of buying or making the letters. Both options work equally the same. We suggest teaching your children one letter at time and hanging up the letters they have learned and letter they are currently learning only. We don’t recommend hanging the entire alphabet until they know the alphabet.

When teaching your children how to read letters and count follow the same process as for teaching them how to read letters. The option of buying or creating your own trains is still available when it comes to letters.

Using trains to teach your children patterns and how to read letters and numbers by simply using inexpensive pre made trains or self made train sets.

It’s important when teaching your children to make it as fun and as interactive as possible. Trains are a great way to keep your kids happy and engaged while meeting your budget.

If you’ve been looking for extra help with your children, give trains a try!