Back to School Train Learning Fun

August 11, 2017

Going back to school doesn’t have to bring tears!  There are plenty of ways to learn while continuing to play with trains at the same time! For the young ones there are all sorts of ways to learn the basics- colors, shapes, letters, and numbers.

For starters, try a color sorting train! It’s a great way to match blues with blues and yellows with yellows! For a bonus, you can make the train out of different shapes as well so the kiddos can match colors AND shapes!


They can learn numbers by mix matching train cars and associating them with the correct number. Not only is it a fun to take apart and put trains back together, but the kiddos can learn to count at the same time!
Similarly, you can do the same with track pieces-add the number of tracks required. Another idea, instead of counting, is practice cognitive skills by lining the pieces up by height in either ascending or descending order. The options are endless!

You can use the train tracks to learn the alphabet! You can also build words with this unique idea! Place a letter on each track and then combine them for more learning amusement! They can also practice spelling their name or simple rhyming words like “cat” and “hat.”
For additional fun, try a memory game! The adult can put the tracks in alphabetical order and then the child has to take them apart and put them back together in order.


This last one has an artsy flare! You can create shapes by using your train as the paint brush! Create squares, triangles, and more. You can also create shapes with tape and have the train re-trace them.

The learning never stops! Trains are a fun and unique way to continue education outside of the classroom. Of course, the older kids can learn from trains as well! Come to EnterTRAINment Junction and learn about railroading history. You can get a preview here.

If there are other fun learning ideas you can think of, comment back on our post or give us a shout on our facebook page!